Philia Issari, Ph.D is Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology and Director of the Centre for Qualitative Research in Psychology and Psychosocial Well-being at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Dr. Issari’s research and teaching interests focus on multicultural and social justice approaches to Counseling, as well as narrative, constructionist, dialogic and collaborative ideas in therapeutic practice. She is currently collaborating with NGOs in research projects regarding refugees, and she is involved in the study of mental health professionals and volunteers who work with refugees and immigrants in Greece. She is an Associate of the Taos Institute and
a member of national and international associations. Her work has been published in Greek and international journals and books. She is the main author of the book “Qualitative Research in Psychology and Education” (SEAB, 2015) and co-editor of the collective work “Qualitative Research in Counseling Psychology” (Pedio, 2018).She has edited in Greek Winslade & Monk’s (2007) book “ Narrative Counseling in schools” (Gutenberg, 2019) and Pedersen’s et al. (2016) “Counseling across cultures” (Parisianou, 2017).